Tuesday, May 15, 2018


Hello guys, welcome to my blog post and if this is your first time on my page, I humbly welcome you and I hope you always come back :)

There is something I have always wanted to share asides these amazing photos if I do say so myself.
I recently understood the true meaning of loving yourself. Loving yourself doesn't mean you have to be in the best of moods, or perfect mental state before you can appreciate who you are. It doesn't mean you have to be financially stable or have the perfect body. 

You could be at your lowest and still be very much happy. Happiness is a feeling that comes from within and I am not by any means trying to say it is very easy to get to that level of being happy regardless of whats going on around you.

Happiness and Peace of mind go hand in hand. For you to have peace of mind/happiness, all you need do is accept yourself as you are, love yourself unconditionally. Christ loves us unconditionally. This means we don't have to be perfect before he can love us. Whichever way we are, he accepts us. Its like a mother loving her child. No matter the condition of her child, she loves her child regardless. If God and your parents can love you this much (the only ones who really matter), why can't you love yourself that much?

 There are so many things that bring us to our lowest but I will focus on body image, which most of us struggle with. You have to embrace your size.

In my opinion, if you would love to add or reduce in size, the only way you can do so easily is when you love yourself first, then you can decide on which step to take in making yourself get to where you want to. I find that when you don't accept who you are first, you end up wallowing in sorrow and sink slowly into depression and probably even gain much more weight if that's your problem area. You see that it becomes difficult to achieve your goal this way.

 So darlings, whatever size you are, rock it to the fullest. Be confident, that's the best outfit anyone could ever wear. I'm not saying you shouldn't take active steps in losing or gaining weight, I am only saying appreciate yourself much more, love yourself unconditionally and embrace your imperfections. Nobody is perfect. Even the person you consider as perfect is struggling with her imperfections so please never look down on yourself. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!

Let's talk about these outfits for a bit lol. I received this yellow platform heels from Cipofalva.hu and I knew immediately it would be my spring staple! They are soooo comfortable. They also have a lot of other awesome shoes and accessories so please check them out. They do next day delivery for those in Hungary. Similar shoe here I got the pants from Zara (old), Bag is from Zara (old), Shades from stradivarius . My skirt is from Deluxe Hues, unfortunately, I didn't like the fitting on me but I tried to make it work. (P.S if you know any good tailor here in Hungary, please send me a message), Tshirt is from Bershka Earrings are from Zara.

I hope I was able to inspire someone today. Dress up and Slay :)

Check out https://t.co/KYVv9EYFLx for cool outfits and accessories.

Thanks for your time
Obsy P.

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